Content is the king: AOL thinks so

Although the picture is not looking very bright for AOL from advertising point of view, it’s still very confident about the popularity of its content sites. For AOL it seems content is the king. And it excels in Content for sure.

Have a look at the following facts and numbers:

AOL’s content sites are the No. 2-ranked sites in a variety of categories to those at Yahoo.

No. of unique monthly visitors at AOL content sites: _______________ 70 million or 7 crore

Annual Growth in page views: _____________________________40 percent

No. of sites (low-cost, niche-focused) AOL has at present: ________ 75

Interesting Fact:

--AOL(America Online)is an asset owned by Time Warner Inc.

--In its intention to give the content more attention, Time Warner (TWX) unit will expand its publishing unit, which is curiously called MediaGlow.

--AOL will be developing over 30 new sites in 2009.