Google to acquire Teracent to display the best display ads

By A Bisht

Google has announced that it has entered a definitive agreement to acquire Teracent. The deal is expected to close this quarter.

Teracent a San Mateo, California startup, specializes in displaying ads customized and chosen from thousands of different creative elements, automatically and in real-time, by machine-learning algorithms, developed by it.

Teracent's technology can pick and choose from literally thousands of creative elements of a display ad in real-time — tweaking images, products, messages or colors. These elements can be optimized depending on factors like geographic location, language, the content of the website, the time of day or the past performance of different ads.

Google thinks that this technology has great potential to improve display advertising on the web, resulting in advertisers get better results from their display ad campaigns; and publishers(blog/website owners) to make more money from their ad space.

That apart, the technology will deliver web users better ads and more ad-funded web content. --------