Percentage of workers using social media as primary means for business communications by 2014

We all are witnessing, how hard it has become to define a Gmail, a Facebook, a Blogger, a Twitter etc. these days. The rigid distinction between these has become so blurred that if one calls Facebook a social network; there are high chances that some one will question, why it can't be called a micro-blogging service, like twitter. In short, with every entity endorsing the specialty of its rivals; and starting to look the same; it's hard to define anyone in traditional strict sense.

Thinking on the same line, when PC World asked industry analysts at Gartner to weigh in on the future of email. This was the reply of Monica Basso, research vice president at Gartner,

“The rigid distinction between email and social networks will erode,” “Email will take on many social attributes, such as contract brokering, while social networks will develop richer email capabilities.”

According to Gartner, 20 percent of workers will turn to social media as the primary means for business communications by 2014. --------

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