A Trick to appear offline to specific friends on Facebook Chat

You may ask, why would somebody don’t want to talk with someone in their friends list?... The answer is: By virtue of Facebook Friendship model, that allows people to stack 500 Facebook friends; but as if out of habit, users still ask new friendship requests, "Do I know you?".

So there are significant numbers of Facebook users who will want to appear to specific friends on Facebook Chat. So without stretching the point further, here’s how to appear offline to specific friends on Facebook chat.

Step 1:  Click “Chat” on the bottom right corner when logged in to your Facebook account.A window pops up with all friends online.

Step 2:  Click “Friends Lists” and “Create a new list“. Give your list a name, say Nonchat.

Step 3: Click “Chat” on the bottom right again and then “Friends Lists” to reach to the list you had just created. Click on the ‘edit ‘ link adjacent to your newly created list . A small window pops up showing all friends-- offline and online both . Select the friends (just click on the friend icon) whom you want to appear offline or invisible.

Step4:  Click on Save list.

Step 5: Come back to the chat, and you will see your newly created List. Just click on the small capsule like half green status icon adjacent to the List name. The green color will change to Grey.

You’re done. --------

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