Facebook photos land a UK woman in jail

A 47 year old UK woman, at last learned a valuable lesson -- If you vacation on money received through fraudulent ways, then never post your happy vacation photos on Facebook.

Hazel Cunningham, who has children and a husband, has declared herself as a single unemployed mother in order to receive the state benefits for Single and unemployed mothers. Living happily with her children and husband, Cunningham was fleecing the taxpayer of thousands of pounds in false benefits claims. The extent of her fraud was to the extent that while claiming income support, housing benefit and council tax benefit; the family was enjoying holidays in Turkey up to three times a year. While still claiming benefits, amounting to an average of £170 a week, the woman also had an expensive Caribbean wedding.

Cunningham's merry fleecing ended, when she decided to post her wedding and Caribbean vacation photographs on her Facebook profile; so her friends could see her on the happiest day of her life. Unfortunately for her, investigators from the local council were also looking at her photos.

After pleading guilty, Cunningham has been sentenced to a 120 days in jail and was ordered to repay the money, a total of just under £15,000. --------

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