Facebook ranks One on customer engagement and loyalty

Which is the Number One social network on “Brand Effectiveness”?

According Brand Keys’ Customer Loyalty Index, Facebook’s brand effectiveness outranks all other social media’s branding efforts. In short, the index which measures customer engagement and loyalty, finds that Facebook has most effectively managed to inculcate customer engagement and loyalty among all social networks.

The top 5 in the index are:

1) Facebook
2) MySpace
3) LinkedIn
4) Flickr
5) Twitter

Although many tech blogs are finding this list a bit confusing, with some having a wish to see MySpace and Twitter trade places; plus many strong brands like FourSquare, Quora, Tumblr, YouTube and Yelp being in top slots; the list appears to be speaking sense.

If the index is searching for engagement and loyalty, then on engagement variable, Facebook is at the right place. I have lately observed that the overhauled MySpace is working well on Engagement too; we will be knowing on this when numbers are revealed in coming months. Now if Loyalty variable is nothing but “Does a user cares about the Brand”, then LinkedIn users are pretty envious in keeping the virtues of the professional social network intact. In means, no silly info circulating around, not friending unworthy contacts etc. On both loyalty and engagement count Twitter may be scoring low, as most users are not very conscious of what they broadcast and a large section of users have low engagement. --------

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