Facebook revamps comments Box plugin for external websites

Envision this scenario: You visit a website which has a “ Facebook plug-in for website publishers that lets them add comment boards to their pages”; and find that your Facebook Friend or Friends of Friend have commented on the board. You find this, as you see those particular comments showing prominently. Won’t this make you take part in the ongoing debate?

The answer is obvious.

In its efforts to increase Facebook user interaction, Facebook has revamped its plug-in for website publishers that lets them add comment boards to their pages, with more granular controls for moderating discussions and a more fine-tuned relevance algorithm for ordering posts.

The revamped Comments Box plug-in, which publishers can add to their sites by copying and pasting a single line of Facebook code, are fine tuned for finer "social relevance."

As said above ,the key revamps is that the box will display more prominently comments posted by a website visitor's friends or friends of friends. In addition, the revamped box will also take into consideration the popularity of comments, shoe them accordingly; and it will flag and hide spam.

Other features added are:

1) users will be able to see information about commenters that they make publicly available on Facebook. Will show Mutual Friends too.

2) Site admins get more controls over comments, including the option of making them by default visible to everyone or visible only to the commenter and their friends, as well as blacklisting certain words and banning certain users.

3) Admins also get access to a centralized dashboard from where they can moderate discussion threads across their entire website from a single interface.

4) The feature also allows end users to post their comments on their Facebook activity streams, and thus share the comments with friends there as well. Their friends in turn can respond to the comments from their Facebook interfaces and have them appear on the external site.

To comment, users don't necessarily have to be logged into Facebook. Publishers can offer visitors the option of logging in with other non-Facebook accounts as well.

In the video below, courtesy Mashable, Dan Rose, Facebook’s VP of Partnerships and Platform Marketing, talks about the new Comments plug-in at the Webtrends Engage conference in San Francisco.Rose explains exactly what will change with the Comments plug-in.


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