According to a new Stanford research, which rivals Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution -- In African cichlid fish society, it’s not the dominant male only, who reproduces or has the power to reproduce. If given opportunity, like in the absence of the dominant male, less dominant ones, or those who had least visible signs of reproductive power, hurrily rise to the occasion and procreate normally.
But first, what Darwin’s theory of evolution says!
Darwin’s theory of evolution says that living organisms adapt themselves to their environment that is food, habitat, through evolution in their bodies slowly though several generations. In short, any body parts which go into more use OR any body parts which are wanting, are evolved by an organism. Those body parts, which go into disuse, get disappeared. This process of forward and backward evolution takes place in a course of thousands of years or hundreds of generations. Thus Darwinism says evolution is a slow process.
But the researchers at Stanford found that, in African cichlid fish society, where only the dominant male reproduces; if given opportunity, like if the dominant male disappears, a subordinate cichlid can rise to the procreative occasion with stunning speed, having kept its reproductive apparatus idling in low gear for the occasion. Other species, including mammals with similar social structures from mice to rhinos, may use the same approach.
Thus the latest research shows that Evolution doesn’t need to be slow OR more specifically, those body parts which go into disuse for a long period, don’t disappear. Watch the video below:
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