Facebook Timeline Made Compulsory

Social Networking giant Facebook always have a history of experimenting with new things. One such revolutionary feature was Timeline. It arranged all your events into a chronological order. Well, it was received well by some of the users and for others Timeline sucked. Willing or not, now you’ve to bid farewell to default facebook profile. All the posts, videos and images added by you now will be arranged in the form of timeline.

Moreover, with the advent of timeline, the browsing experience will become more superlative and enriching. Instead, of meandering here and there for a particular post, you can view the post for a particular year easily. Another feather in cap is, instead of adding a single photo; you can add a cover photo. Once you get aware of this platform, you will start enjoying its features.

Timeline made a necessity

Until now it was an option, but facebook has decided to make it mandatory from August 8. According to the Telegraph, users who have still not switched to the new look are being served with a purview of how their profile page would look like. It lets users to present a more visually powerful profile and through it users have the ability to share stories in an impactful way.

Is this decision good?

Well, there are 8 million facebook users and most of them are gloomy because of this compulsion. A user simply quirked that the decision is rubbish and he was wondering why Facebook hasn’t included default DNA profile. But this resentment is of no avail because facebook has made a decision.

How it will affect

The next dilemma that Facebook faces is, whether this decision would prove to be a cash cow or not? We can’t conclude now the concrete decision will only be made after August 8. Till then the users who didn’t voluntary switch to the facebook timeline are expressing their dissatisfaction, and others are exploring the facebook timeline option. So, be ready to say adieu to your default Facebook profile page and say welcome to facebook timeline feature.


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