Improve Blog Comment Quality with New Wordpress Plugin

Does conversations in the comment section of your blog, help your blog become popular? Many expert Bloggers believe so.

A new WordPress Comments Plugin Creates Conversations on blog. Not only just conversations, but quality conversations. Comment Conversations which are stimulating part of your website.

The new Wordpress comments Plugin:

Urtak's offering aims to change the way your visitors interact with each other by allowing them to ask each other questions -- seated where your comment section normally rests.

An Urtak window displays questions that your users have submitted for each other to answer and records how they answered in a little interactive pie chart (great for some secondary intelligence).

Benefits of Urtak Comments for WordPress:

1) Urtak makes your content more engaging.

Accordingly to their internal research, “on average, Urtak users spend 90 seconds (1.5 minutes) more time on articles or videos”.

2) Increases shelf life of your blog content:

Urtak employs a smart algorithm to ensure that the questions people care about most get thrown to the top of the stack. Those topics which are least debated see their comments at the bottom of the pile.

3) A great Feedback module: You can Get feedback from your readers as well, about your blog, content quality etc. To allow to get better intelligence Urtak also allows you to dig deeper with their cross tabulation tools and find out how different types and demographics of users responded.

4) A noticeable difference you will see is increase in politeness and friendliness in your comment section. This may be due to timely redressal of comments; as readers themselves comment some questions for you. Plus since a user has to log in with Facebook and Twitter, before asking questions; hence non-serious comments are cut.

5) Moderation is Still there: You can choose to personally moderate all questions that are submitted, rather than relying on community moderation.

6) Is able to handle great traffic: Don't worry about Urtak slowing down your site, it is designed to handle the traffic of mega blogs like Mashable, Techcrunch etc.



Availability: OR Search at Wordpress Add new plugin Page

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