TimePlay enables movie-goers interact in real-time with Big screen

Advertisers the world over are looking for more and more opportunities to promote their products. All the competition is to get as many eyeballs for their products and services as possible. A Cinema hall is a good place to get a couple of hundred eye balls, all seeing at the same direction. That's the screen. But how to engage them?
TimePlay is a company which promises the advertisers to offer the same. BTW, it's already providing that with high advertising awareness and correct brand recognition.
TimePlay when installed to Theatres allows the moviegoers to interact in real time with the Big Screen in front of them. By downloading the free TimePlay app on their smartphones and tablets, movie-goers can interact in real-time with content on the big screen, competing for prizes and receiving special offers from the Theatre owner or the advertisers of products like Pizza , Mazda, popcorn, drinks,  advertiser discounts delivered directly to users' devices etc.
According to said Jon Hussman, President and CEO of TimePlay Inc. , 
"Timeplay's  proprietary technology transforms a smartphone into a game controller which movie goers can use to test their cinema knowledge, driving skills and even their ability to score a goal in hockey, while also sparking live, friendly competition between family, friends and complete strangers in the theatre," 

Cineplex TimePlay has given great results to the Advertisers

Cineplex TimePlay works this way. Cineplex TimePlay allows clients the opportunity to sponsor a game or develop a custom interactive experience in which the movie goers can take part.
According to recent studies, quoted by reputed sources online,
TimePlay scores an amazing 93 per cent for advertising awareness
TimePlay scores 94 per cent for correct brand association (clearly outperforming the same metrics for television advertising).
TimePlay regularly sees user engagement rates of 30 to 50 per cent of players opting-in to offers.
Currently TimePlay and Cineplex offer the interactive experience in many theatres in Canada. The association bgan started offering interactive games in theatres in Toronto in 2011. The offering has seen great success.
Since its launch TimePlay app has been downloaded more than 1.5 million times, and achieved more than four million plays. The app is available on iOS, Android and Blackberry devices.

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