Valve Steam Controller Design is different from other Game Controllers!

Valve SteamOS and Steam Machines are different, that's why when Valve announced official Steam Controller which would be used to play games on the Steam Machine, it was bound to be different from anything we have seen so far.

And the belief was not that misplaced. The new Valve Steam Controller is reported to have a very unique design, pushing it to the brink of controversial. There are no traditional console controller buttons, D-pads, and analog sticks. In Valve’s Eric Hope own words, “Steam Controller is everything that made Steam and PC gaming in general great, embodied inside of a controller.”

Below is how Steam Controller looks now (final design, no secondary display now, in its place, Valve has added three new buttons: a Stop button, a Steam button, and a Play button ). What these three buttons are for? Well no one knows for sure, they can be to surf games on Steam Store, pause them etc.

As of now, Steam Controller is being seen as a game changer in Gaming. --------

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