Facebook tool tells whether you unknowingly helped the Russian propaganda machine

Many people in US see reasons to believe that the Russian propaganda machine in media (both online and offline) was used massively to skew the skew outcome of the 2016 US Presidential Elections. They also believe that in addition to making a wave in favor of a candidate, the Russian propaganda decreased people's confidence in the democratic process.

Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter became a handy tool for this propaganda, and many people knowing or unknowingly, became part of the rumors, lies and partial information. With mounting pressure on Facebook and Twitter to regulate the social content on their networks, the Social networks have regulated their TOS, content guidelines.

The facebook tool lets to you know whether you unknowingly followed some FB page or shared some content which was part of Russian propaganda
Now Facebook has launched a new tool which enables you to know whether you had unknowingly created and shared some content on Facebook which helped the Russian propaganda; OR if you have shared or liked the content directly from some known propaganda users, Pages. If you shared the content from a non-propaganda user, Page, then you will NOT know whether you played role in spreading the Russian designs. On this virtue, the new new Facebook propaganda spotting tool is limited.

Ideally, the said Facebook tool must not be tagged as one helping you spot Russian propaganda accounts. Instead, it must be known as a Facebook tool which helps you know whether you unknowingly liked some Fake Russian Account or; liked or shared the propaganda directly from these Fake Russian accounts.


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