At Squidoo...performing simplest of tasks is a mission impossible !

Have you ever created a lens at Squidoo...yes you create a lens at Squidoo.

What Squidoo (for those who don’t know)? …Actually Squidoo is like's like's like digg....; Sorry but defining Squidoo in itself is a difficult task. So I'm defining it on the basis of the thoughts which came to my mind when I used Squidoo for the first time.

But, you’ll wonder…the same thoughts come to my mind when I visit it now.

That apart another thing which striked me the first time and every time I go Squidoo, is: it's least user friendly.

Like; what do you call a Web page,..of course...a web page; but Squidoo calls a web page a lens. There may be no doubt that Squidoo is extremely imaginative, but calling a rose a perfume bottle will always complicate things.

And as the title of the write-up suggests; Squidoo appears to be a difficult mish-mash of utilities. Even the simplest of tasks become mission impossible. One simple task is to put content to your lens...yes a web page. Just to give you an idea… I even have to think my way forward to accomplish simplest of tasks at Squidoo.


Unless Squidoo make it more user friendly, new users will keep on getting lost. And the owners of dozens of Squidoo WebPages, will keep on putting enormous stress to their minds, every time they make a new lens...I mean a new web page.

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