Titled, How to start a startup, the new book tells readers how to start businesses with very low cost up front.
That apart, the book also answers one of the first questions any prospective entrepreneur asks: why start a business?
Bechler sees clear benefits in owning one’s own business: Flexible hours of work, being one’s own Boss, and last but not the least, having unlimited earnings potential. Other very valuable benefits are: ability to spend more time with family, and starting one’s day with great hope and growth.
The book also suggests many new business ideas: Like How about importing from China?
The good thing about the book is that it suggests and explains easy and lucrative business ideas that an average person can implement in many cases, if the reader follows his expert instructions on the business idea and on his advice on how to run a business.
The Book shares with readers insights on "extra income opportunities" that anyone...no matter their experience...can use to earn an additional $500 - $6000 per month. The book, doesn’t make a false promise of helping the reader make millions overnight; but shows legitimate methods to earn a little extra income in a short period of time. In short, the book doesn’t promise the reader make a millionaire...but do promise him/her to show real strategies for earning extra cash that don't involve any special skills or a massive learning curve.
Many experts feel that, economic downturn, when people lose jobs or are made to work at lower pay packages, is the right time to start a business. With the economy in the USA and many parts of the world in a downturn right now; it is right time to think business.
How to Start a Start-Up: How To Start a Business and Profit on a Shoestring Budget
by: Perry Belcher
publisher: Shoestring Press, published: 2011-09-03
ASIN: 193712603X
EAN: 9781937126032
sales rank: 3030886
price: $16.95 (new)
How to Start a Start-up is a step by step plan for starting a new business. Inside you'll discover how to choose a business that's right for you, how to name your business, legal setup, leases, employees and more. Perry Belcher has started, ran and sold dozens of businesses and shares his experiences, mistakes and biggest breakthroughs. In this guide are all the steps you have to take to start a business: the planning steps, the pre-planning steps, and all the groundwork you need to lay before you get started. Perry will teach you how to compose a winning a business plan.
About Perry Belcher
Perry Belcher has decades of experience in what he preaches in the book: How to start a Startup. Add to this Perry’s acumen, marketing career and you will find that consultants of his caliber are rare and usually expensive.
The Book is thus an opportunity for ordinary Joe to get his services at the price of a book. --------
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