Things to Consider Before jumping on the Social Media bandwagon

By A Bisht

Tania Yuki, a member of the measurement panel at the IAB Social Media Conference, has enumerated the three Things to Consider Before jumping on to the Social media bandwagon.

The Three important points to Consider in Social Media Marketing and Measurement or before veturing into Social media are:

1) What outcome will you call a success?... Define clearly in measurable terms

When you start a social media campaign, ask youself, what outcome will you call a success. The campaign will make my brand popular among 18-24 year olds is too vague a definition for the outcome.

Instead Define the outcome in more measurable terms. Like

Getting 1000 facebook fans among 18-24 year olds will be called a success.

2) Measuring the outcome should be simple and familiar

For this, separate the number questions from the non-number questions. In simple, segregate quantity from quality.

Talking ot the number questions, defining the outcome in number terms, itself makes the measurement simple and familiar.

" Getting 1000 facebook fans among 18-24 year olds will be called a success."

Less than 250 -- Failure

500-750-- Good

1000 plus -- Success

The quality questions, can be judged by keen analysis of the outcome, once one clearly resolves the number questions.

3) Be a listener Rather than a dictator... Be a witness to the social media drama.

Rather than demanding other people's attention, try to listen to what others offer (it's synonymous to what Social media offers). And absorb and apply the insights gained. --------