Performance of Bing in US

By A Bisht

According to a report , quoted here,

--For May 26-30 period, Out of every 100 searches made in the US , 14 searches used Microsoft, This increased to 15.5 per hundred searches during the June 2-6 period.

--Share of Microsoft in the search-result pages in the U.S., an indicator for overall search intensity, increased from 9.1 percent during May 26-30 period, to 11.1 percent during the June 2-6 period.

--StatCounter has reported that Bing has overtaken Yahoo in US to secure the number-two spot in the US search market. Here Bing encroached on the Google's market share.Current US standings:

Share of Google in the US search market_______71.47 percent

Share of Bing in the US search market_________16.28 percent

Share of Yahoo in the US search market_________10.22 percent --------