North Korea Allegedly Responsible For Cyber Attacks on U.S & South Korea

By Mani Raj

North Korea allegedly launched cyber-attacks against USA and South Korea on July 4 - The Independence Day.

According to Associated Press, 25 websites including those of the Federal Trade Commission, the Secret Service, the Transportation Department, and The Washington Post were shut down on July 4 by a cyber-attack allegedly from North Korean hackers.

U.S and South-Korean websites were hit by Denial-Of-Service attacks.
A Denial-Of-Service attack prevents a website or internet service from working properly either momentarily or indefinitely.

A D.O.S attack overwhelms the target with resource requests for bandwidth or server availability.

According to security analysts, 12,000 personal computers in South Korea and 8,000 in the U.S. were hijacked to bring down government, financial institutions, and media websites. They also indicated a rise in the number of politically motivated D.O.S attacks around the world.

U.S. authorities are working to track down those responsible for the attacks.
