Palm Pre Upstages The iPhone

By Mani Raj

Palm Inc., has released a new mobile phone operating system which is more powerful, elegant and user-friendly.

The Palm Pre goes on sale Saturday for $200 (after mail-in rebate) at Sprint stores. It makes it easier to do more things on the go.

With webOS - Palm's new operating system, users now can keep multiple applications running at once. The operating system organizes the open applications like a row of cards which stretch off the screen. The users can flick the screen to switch between applications.

For example, if you need to quickly check your calendar while writing an e-mail, you can bring up the calendar application, then flick back to e-mail.

But on the iPhone, users can run only one application at a time. Also, unlike the iPhone, webOS notifies users of events that need their attention, no matter which application they are using. The notification icons for e-mails and calls appear at the bottom of the screen.

Apple is expected to fire back soon by announcing an upgraded iPhone model. It won't be able to do everything the Palm Pre can do, but it might have other novel features.
