Pervasiveness of Google in Indian and Brazilian Internet Landscapes

By A Bisht

Google is all pervading in Indian and Brazilian internet landscape. A recent study by comScore, focusing on two emerging Internet markets of India and Brazil, informs that Google Sites Account for Nearly 30 Percent of All Time Spent Online in these Two Market.

Worldwide pervasiveness of Google sites :

Google Sites are most visited Internet property worldwide.

Number of visitors of Google sites in Jul 2009______________854 million or 85.4 crore
Number of visitors ot Google sites in Jul 2008______________724 million or 72.4 crore
Growth ________________________18 percent

Nearly 75 percent of all Internet users worldwide visited the Google Sites property in Jul 2009.

The time spent on Google sites accounted for 9.4 percent of all time spent online. That’s for every one hour of time spent on internet, a user spent 6 mins on Google sites.

Pervasiveness of Google in Indian and Brazilian Internet Landscapes:

In July 09,
29.8 percent of total time spent online in Brazil was spent on Google Sites. Thus in an hour’s of internet usage, about 18 mins were spent on Google sites. India has more or less the same numbers in this regard. --------