Boost different mobile os give to mobile Web usage

By A Bisht

Admob which serves ads to mobile mobile Web sites and applications, has released its periodic report, concerning the boost given by different mobile os/devices to mobile web usage.

In simple, to get the numbers, AdMob takes tally of the types of phones/os that are querying those sites and applications serving AdMob ads.



In August 2009, 40 percent of all queries came from iPhones,
In February 2009, 33 percent of all queries came from iPhone

Boost____________ Twenty One percent

In August 2009, 7 percent of all queries came from Android users,
In February 2009, 2 percent of all queries came from Android users

Boost____________ Two Hundred Fifty percent

--The Palm Pre -- launched in June:

4 percent of all queries in August 2009.

Conclusion: New innovative entrants to the mobile market are growing their share of mobile online usage.


--Nokia's Symbian phones:

In August 2009, 34 percent of all queries came from Nokia's Symbian phones,
In February 2009, 43 percent of all queries came from Nokia's Symbian phones

Drop____________ Twenty six percent


In August 2009, 8 percent of all queries came from BlackBerry users,
In February 2009, 10 percent of all queries came from BlackBerry users

Drop____________ Twenty percent

--Windows Mobile:

In August 2009, 4 percent of all queries came from Windows Mobile phones,
In February 2009, 7 percent of all queries came from Windows Mobile phones

Drop____________ Forty three percent

Conclusion: Veterans seem to be lagging behind. --------