Why most guys don't read the manual before calling tech support

By A Bisht

Are you one of the guys who searches for the tech support phone number every time you can’t figure out how to make your latest gadget work?, if yes; then you are not alone, more than six out of ten men do the same.

According to a new survey of callers to a gadget help line, 64 percent of men hadn't read the user manual to their new gadget before calling for assistance.

Women were found to be more thoughtful, as only 24 percent of female callers were found to be doing so.

Other findings of the survey:

 Men are more likely to miss some rather obvious factors when it comes to gadgets that aren't working. 12 percent men missing the obvious, compared to just 7 percent for the women.

Why men are so averse to reading the manual (What tech24hours feels):

 Doing things fast or resolving things fast, makes a man in more control of his space or domain.

 According to Christopher Null, the reason, for a man’s aversion to user manuals is the belief that, “If I can’t figure out something, then the device has flaw”. --------