How to get best experience from your HDTV

By A Bisht

You brought a HDTV and thought you’ll enjoy the same experience from your HDTV; that you experienced when you had the first glimpse of it in the seller’s showroom.

But now, even after putting HDTV at the best place of your house; you realize, the TV doesn’t give you the experience that you had at the company showroom.

It’s is not something that you are making in your brain.

The fact is: You actually are not getting the same experience from your HDTV.

Why ?

Because of one simple reason: HDTVs are consciously made or programmed to look good or great in showroom conditions.

As homes, don’t have the same high ceilings and lightings as a company showroom has; when the same HDTV is installed at home. The consumer never celebrates the same TV experience.

[PS: Those retailers who have stocked their HDTVs along with other stuff in a small space with improper lightings and wonder why nobody is getting wooed to their HDTVs; need to rethink their strategy.]

So what is the solution?

Try to replicate, the showroom conditions to the room where you want to put your TV:

 For getting the best results the room should have at least 30 feet high celing. And place it in the biggest room of your house.

 Watch different categories like movies, etc. in different settings (contrast, brightness, etc) recommended by the manufacturer in the user manual(don’t read user manuals then you are not alone).

 Don’t tweak the TV settings unnecessarily, if you think celebration is amiss, to get the best results. The simple reason being, not all have the same sensory perception to adjust the TV settings for the best TV experience (So don’t waste too much time; If you think you can then Good).

 If you are not convinced with the experience even after trying the different modes settings, then try to take expert help. Read self books or other self help media. Like try Ultimate DVD Platinum
costing 14 dollars (with an average good HDTV costing around 1000 dollars, this is a wise investment).

 If nothing gets you the results, call in the experts (the ones who insytall home theatre systems in homes) and get your TV settings and other things tweaked.

A HDTV is meant to be savoured, then why settle for less. --------