Cellphone satellite navigation is on rise in Europe

According to comScore, Europeans are increasingly using their cellphones for satellite navigation in cars. This the research firm sees as a direct threat to the personal navigation industry.

As per comScore, in February 2010, 21.1 million consumers in five large European markets -- Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Italy -- used their cellphones for navigation. This is 68 percent more than the number a year ago.

In February 2009, 12.6 million consumers from the above five cities used their cellphones for satellite navigation.

The research firm’s observation regarding cellphone satellite navigation’s direct assault on personal navigation industry; should be seen from the fact that only 20.4 million personal navigation devices sold in those markets in 2008 and 2009 in total(Source : GfK research ).

Another discerning development for the personal navigation industry is that Nokia has recently jumped into the field of free satellite navigation, after Google.

Personal navigation device equipments makers Garmin and Tom Tom has always found car navigation as their stronghold but comScore finds that most users users use sat navigation while in their cars. --------

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