Does $200 million fresh investment from VC for iPhone app developers speak positively for iPad

With only two days left for iPad to hit the stores in US; the web is buzzing with the final arguments about the fate of Apple’s touchscreen tablet. But whatever side the debate swings; honestly speaking not much can be concluded from the ongoing debate.

I personally feel, iPad will be a popular device; if not as a notebook option, but surely in the tablet category.

But the basis of my opinion is nothing but logic and some gut instinct. So there’s every reason to ignore what I say. But if people who invest in businesses, and that too invest a big money in development and innovation business eying new opportunities in future, then their estimate is quite worthy of an attentive ear.

One such "get attentive" news was provided recently by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a Sillicon valley venture capitalist firm. The VC has recently doubled the size of its fund for iPhone application developers to $200 million, anticipating new opportunities with the forthcoming launch of Apple's iPad. This is new money i.e. it was not carved out from other funds.In addition to Caufield & Byers' $200 million, an another $330 million have been invested by other investors for the same.

Now some among us will argue that even people who invest big money in anticipation of big returns; lose their money as no one can say for sure what will click and what will not. But as they have better instruments to speculate, hence their actions give some conclusive picture of the things to come.

Although we are free to speak our opinion. --------

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