Half of all PCs purchased for users under 15 will have touchscreens by 2015

According to Gartner, the acceptance of touchscreen PCs will be more skewed towards younger demographics than compared to older ones; plus enterprises will be slow on acceptance too.

Gartner sees the younger generation beginning to use touchscreen computers ahead of enterprises. By 2015, it expects more than 50 percent of PCs purchased for users under the age of 15 will have touchscreens, up from fewer than 2 percent in 2009. On the other hand, it’s predicting fewer than 10 percent of PCs sold to enterprises in 2015 for mainstream knowledge workers will have touchscreens.

Gartner feels the immediate productivity gains promised by the flood of touch-enabled devices coming to market in 2010 will be slow to materialize in the enterprise. --------

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