Content consumption on Web in next 5 to 8 years

According to Nikesh Arora, Google President of Global Sales, said on the sidelines of an International Advertising Association conference,

The number of Internet users is expected to rise to 5 billion worldwide over the next 10 years from about 1.8 billion now, Arora said.

(This if materializes is a big number, for clarity, it will be covering almost the entire world population at that time. Some numbers peg the world population to reach 9.2 billion by 2050. So Mr Arora’s prediction seems limiting in many respects).

"I think in the next 5 to 8 years 30-50 percent of the media is going to be consumed on the web, and if you look at the advertising proportion of the Internet versus the overall ad market, we are still under 10 percent." Arora added. --------

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