Cuba launches its own version of Wikipedia

The government of Cuba on Tuesday launched its version of Wikipedia, the user-edited online encyclopedia, but the new website called EcuRed was having technical issues on its first day online and not all pages were loading properly, reports LA Times.

The objective behind EcuRed:

The site -- -- is meant to present Cuba's view of the world and history, from a "decolonized" perspective. Much like Chinese Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong tried during his last decade in power (1966-76). The aim is to shed off the notions of culture, history and world set by the colonizers and re-write country’s new culture, history and world.

How EcuRd works:

The site is to be edited by individual users, somewhat like Wikipedia, but articles would have to be approved by unidentified moderators. It was not clear another thing not clear is whether users outside Cuba are able to register and edit or add new articles at EcuRed. --------

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