Now, let I share with you the news, in usual pitch.
Aiming for a work culture that helps balance work and family responsibilities, 56 per cent of Indian companies plan to hire mothers on a part-time basis this year, said a survey by Regus (India).
This is higher than 36 per cent of global companies which intend to take in mothers in 2011, a study undertaken by workplace solutions provider Regus Plc said. Although This figure is down, by eight percentage points compared to 64 per cent a year ago.
India is a different ball game:
Unlike western countries, where woman don’t lose much of their freedom after having babies; women in India are still tied down after they have babies. Most of this is due to the fact that motherhood is attached to marriage in India, which is not necessarily so in other countries. So rather than the babies, it’s the marriage+baby scenario which results in difficulty for young mothers in India.
So although, thousands of unmarried workforce is available for recruitment every year; owing to “Quit job after marriage” force at work; there’s a dearth of talent and experience at higher levels.
That’s why aware businesses are already using flexible work arrangement to integrate these valuable assets, providing a family friendly and at the same time more productive work environment simply by allowing employees to work alternative hours or closer to home.
Although, there is still some concern that family commitments may hinder working mothers from giving their job full attention and commitment
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