Facebook launches more Protection Against Wireless Firesheep Attack

Facebook is launching a more secure way to connect to its website, which will protect users from a widely proliferated wireless networking attack called Firesheep.

Facebook, will let users connect, starting Wednesday, to its site using an HTTPS secure Web connection, rather than the HTTP.

The HTTPS offers extra assurance that the user’s are connecting to the website that they intend to connect. In addition, it also encrypts the data sent between the PC and Facebook. Thus whatever login info a user types, will be unreadable to persons that don't know the passkey or methods by which it was made unreadable.

This encryption makes it safer for people who log onto Facebook via public wireless networks. Such networks are insecure and easy to hack. Last year even a Firesheep plugin for firefox came out that lets anyone log into a victim's Facebook or Twitter account. --------

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