Foxit PDF Reader finally comes to Android Devices

Foxit PDF Reader has come to the Android devices.

Foxit Corporation has announced the release of the Foxit Mobile PDF app for Android mobile devices. The new version of the app is currently available from Amazon's Appstore for Android and Google's Android Market. Mobile PDF now allows Android-based users to create, read, annotate and secure PDF documents.

Foxit Mobile PDF
Good news for those who are using the desktop version of Foxit PDF reader and know very well that, the Foxit Reader is a big help in letting oneself off the Adobe Acrobat Reader’s clutches.

Foxit Reader, and the app's major selling point is its feature-level correspondence with that application.

In addition to the Foxit PDF Reader for android devices, an update to the existing .NET component, for reading and manipulating PDF documents is also included. --------

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