How Jack Dorsey sees Twitter

How Jack Dorsey sees Twitter

Brands, whether physical or online, are always trying to regulate the way the end users define and use their product/service. Although many experts advocate that -- brands should keep evolving with the end user; the mere thought of end users ‘defining and using the product/service’ in ways not planned by the creator, gives them jitters. The reasons for this uneasiness are the resources (money, technology and manpower) go for continuous evolution.

For these reasons, in the lifecycle of any product/service, the creators keep indirectly reminding the users of how they see the product/service and how they think; users should/would be using it.

In a talk at the DLD conference in Munich, Twitter co-founder and executive chairman Jack Dorsey took opportunity to define Twitter his and his company’s way. Speaking of the most important words to describe Twitter versus its competitors, Dorsey said “Public,” “real-time” and “simplicity”.

Interestingly, Dorsey didn’t say “social”.

Dorsey doesn’t see Twitter as a “social” entity as Facebook and Google+ is. Instead, for him Twitter is more like a service which helps a user to learn about what his/her friends are doing in the areas relevant to him/her. Like Twitter is a tool for a marketer to see what a top marketer is up to. Thus Dorsey sees ‘Twitter as social’ as just one part of what people do on Twitter.

That apart, according to Dorsey, Twitter people think of it as an information utility and a communications network, which beats players like Google+ and Facebook by being more accessible. To substantiate, his assertion, Dorsey said that it is not necessary to tweet to get value out of Twitter. An attribute which makes Twitter both a destination and a distribution channel.

On how not to define twitter as, Dorsey, appeared less committed to describing Twitter as a tool of democracy. This is interesting or not so interesting, when Twitter played a key role in ousting Mubarak in Egypt, and compelling US Congress of reversing on SOPA.

Dorsey was also representing himself at DLD in his second full-time role as CEO of the payments company Square, available in United States only. Square contemplates entering Asia, including China, this year; which it believes is a natural fit because many people in Asia have already stopped carrying cash. --------

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