Ankit Fadia Tells How to unblock Everything On The Internet

Indians who are aware of the word “Hacking” are also aware of Ankit Fadia. Who better to teach them about how to unblock internet and visit the most inaccessible corners of the web.

Ankit Fadia is an MTV Youth Icon, a Global Shaper according to the World Economic Forum; but his ticket to stardom in India is “Hacking”. Ankit, 26, who has the distinction of being India's youngest
cyber security expert; started out young, at 13, and is currently a Global Ambassador for Cyber Security by the Indian Government.

Ankit Fadia has a dozen books to his credit – all related to Ethical Hacking (taking control of a computer system with an objective of informing the owner of the security holes; and suggest remedies to make system more secure. No stealing of Data, money or Trust); and recently launched a new book, called How to Unblock Everything on the Internet!.

Fadia has come up wit ha new book -- How To Unblock Everything on the Internet .

Why the New Book to unblock possibly everything on internet?

Fadia, who more than a decade ago, at 13, came to national spotlight; for defacing the magazine Chip's website and placing on its homepage a shot of his website; and has now reached at the zenith of Hacking field, gives reasons for writing the new Book. Here are they:

Interesting Fact: It’s interesting to know, how Fadia landed his first job offer. Soon after defacing the Chip website, Fadia realized the gravity of his action – something which could land him in jail. To make amends, he sent a long email to the editor apologizing for his actions and telling him how he could prevent a similar attack in the future. To his wonder, the reply he received was encouraging. The Chip editor offered him a job. The offer proved to be a milestone and Fadia started on the path of Ethical Hacking or White Hat hacking.

1) Courtesy web (www), just about everything is available online for anyone to freely access. The book is a resource which aims at educating readers, especially students, in simple and easy to understand way on how to access everything useful on Web.

2) With the technology evolving at such a rapid pace, Fadia says that a future, where nearly all the everyday objects that we use today, will have their own internet connection and IP address (IP Address is how web properties like a website, blog etc. is identified on web). Telephones, televisions, refrigerators and even cars are starting to have their own IP address. The flip-side to this technological advancement is a greater complexity of its security. The book informs not only about how to access, the inaccessible resources on web, but also in a secure manner.

3) Most Indian colleges habitually block websites. Fadia, who studied at Stanford, finds this absurd; as in Stanford nothing is blocked. Underlining that the Indian colleges should not see Indian students less mature and responsible compared to their American and European peers, Fadia’s new book tells ways to overcome such blocks.

4) With increasing number of countries, which include India and US, trying to censor the web; the book aims at educating a reader to unblock everything.

Interesting Fact: In the 2009 movie, Up in the Air, George Clooney, who plays the role of an always travelling executive living out of his suitcase, specializing in firing people, was chasing one personal goal – To complete to earn ten million frequent flyer miles.

Ankit Fadia may be passionate about securing systems; but he’s also aspiring for some George Clooney like Goal – To visit a 100 countries in 10 years. He’s at 97 right now and will reach the 100 mark this March.

About the Book from the Book Author

If you are studying in a college, working for a company or traveling to a country that has blocked access to everything cool & fun on the Internet (like Face book, YouTube, Chat and others) and made your life miserably boring for you then this book is sure to come to your rescue! Written in an easy to understand manner that just about everybody can understand, this book will teach you simple things you can do to unblock access to everything on the Internet including: Social Networking Sites (Face book, Twitter etc) Video Streaming Sites (YouTube, Metacafe etc) Cricket Scores. Chat Software Stock Trading Websites. Career Websites. USB Ports. Download & Speed Limits. Torrents And just about everything else! Who should read this book? College Students. Office Goers. Travelers to countries where websites are blocked (China, UAE, Saudi Arabia and others). Anybody else who wants to unblock stuff on the Internet.

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