New Book celebrates Alan Turing, creator of World's First Computers

Computers have come a long way: From the ones, which needed halls both to sit and perform kindergarten like calculations, the computers have now reached a stage where they can sit in our pendants. Not to say, a personal computer today is many times powerful than the most powerful computers of mid 1900s.

But all this progress should not make us forget the hard work of those bright minds who took the first steps in commuting.

To celebrate the centenary of Alan Turing’s birth and highlight the importance of his contribution to computing, BCS -- The Chartered Institute for IT, released today its latest book, Alan Turing and His Contemporaries: Building the world’s first computers.

Alan Turing and His Contemporaries: Building the World's First Computers

Publisher: British Informatics Society Ltd, published: 2012-02-06

ASIN: 1906124906

EAN: 9781906124908

price: $22.99 (new), $23.51 (used)

About the Book:

Focuses on the years 1945 to 1955, the book looks closely into the efforts of those who produced revolutionary technology such as the world’s first fully-functioning stored-program computer and the first application to business data processing.

Secret wartime projects in code-breaking, radar and ballistics produced a wealth of ideas and technologies that kick-started the development of digital computers. This is the story of the people and projects that flourished in the post-war period.

By 1955 computers had begun to appear in the market-place. The Information Age was dawning and Alan Turing and his contemporaries held centre stage. Their influence is still discernable deep down within today's hardware and software.

A Book for those who celebrate everything computer; and remain fascinated by iconic figures (like Turing) in the field of computing in the world of computing. After 100 years of his birth, the book celebrates the importance of Turing’s and his contemporaries’ contributions to the world, and their influence on the modern computer. The book also celebrates, how in a post war period, when economic austerity and gloom ruled the typical human mindset, people like Turing started projects that paved the way for modern world. --------

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