Facebook apps for Recruiters and Employers

Is Social Recruitment it the new trend that we are heading towards? The answer is yes; today more and more job seekers are moving away from traditional job boards and are finding employment through social networking sites. Here’s the list of Facebook apps through which you can chase your prospective employees.


It is an app that is installed by your current employee and it basically scans your profile and finds your friends that can be a prospective match for the vacant position. The alerts and notifications make task easy and convenient. Currently, it has 35,000 users and is available on free of cost basis.

Work For Us

It is an awesome facebook app for employees and recruiters. Presently, it has 76,000 users and through this app applicants can easily browse the jobs by location, category or keyword. Moreover, It has inbuilt application through which you can add your email or you can simply redirect recruiters to your website to fill the job application form. Work For Us is a boon for small companies and for companies that don’t have a need of year round posting. Depending upon your subscription amount this Facebook app also provides you free job ads.


JobCast.net it is one among the best free job posting adds available on the Facebook. It syndicate RSS feed from your ATS, stream it and then post it on your Facebook page. 

Some other apps that customers tried were Notes, it also syndicated your RSS feed, but as the name job was missing. Hence, this app was not taken down well.

My LinkedIn Profile

It is one of the amazing apps for independent recruiters. It has over 17,000 users that is a pretty big figure. The only downfall of this app is it is available for pages, and not for profiles.
A few innovative changes can make a difference.


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