How Students can get Benefitted from Search Engines

Today internet is bleeding with different types of search engines. But every search engine works in different way to produced desired results.

The search engines can be categorized into following types
·         Visual based search engines
·         Crawler or keyboard based search engines
·         Index based search engines
·         Meta/Multi search engines
·         Category based search engines

Among the above mentioned search engines crawler based search engine and directory based search engines provide a host of benefits to the students. The major difference is the way they browse the sites on the internet.

Let’ start discussing them

Crawler Based Search Engines- The primary examples of crawler based search engine is Google and Yahoo. They are a stack of relevant information. The students can easily find the information as the data is presented in an aligned and presentable manner.  Moreover, the whole process of crawling is systematic and neatly defined. In order to enhance visibility of the site the companies today perform SEO, it is a step by step process through which the traffic to a particular site can be increased.  It can also be achieved by using some specific keywords and by using organic results.

Index Based Search Engines- in Index Based Search Engines the web masters add and compile data and information in various forms like comments, name and address, etc it is then reviewed by the expert editors. These search engines take data from the students and the website indexed in these search engines is considered as trustworthy and reliable. The major disadvantage of this search engine is data once entered cannot be changed.

Paid Programs- With the rapid rise in competition paid programs has become necessary. By paying a certain amount to Google, you’ll be assured that your site ranks in a top echelon position. However, the ranking will be dependant on various other factors. Education related sites will be viewed and the alterations will be told to respective to web administrators. All this is done to improve click on the site.

Pay Per Click Programs- Educational companies pay a particular amount to search engine bots; if the students click on a particular website. If the student clicks away the site the search engine will make money out of it. Even the major search engines like Google and Yahoo provide a space to these educational companies to place their ads.


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