What is Penguin Killer and How to thrive from it?

On 24 th April 2012 Google released its latest algorithm known as Google Panda Update. Webmasters immediately felt the tremors of update as innumerable sites disappeared from the high rankings and bunches of other site rose inexplicably to top ranking. Perhaps one of the weirdest things of Google Panda update was the sites that were thin in content could be easily found in the search engine terms, while authority sites went in a drowsy state.

The webmaster community felt that SEO is dead but smart SEO’ers will always find opportunity in the problems. So, is it possible to strive and crush Google Panda update?
The reality is 

The backlink is not a matter of past- Google Panda has clearly mentioned in its update that it prefers natural linking over unusual backlinking. There are ten methods through which you’ll be able to sustain the Google Panda Update. 

Directory Submission- It is one of the useful methods to get the backlinks from authority site.

Guest Blogging- Guest Blogging is one of the powerful methods to thrive the competition. Through it you’ll get some authority links for sure.

Blog Commenting- Blasting of blog comments won’t help; rather it is important to add relevant blog comments to the website.

Social Bookmarking- Social bookmarking is another way to send signals to Google that you are socially alive.

Press Releases- Press Releases is a powerful method of backlinking and most of the people often forget to get backlinks through this method. You can head to prweb.com and learn how press releases are written and submitted.

Social Media Sites- Getting backlink through Social Media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Pininterest, etc. With twitter you want to tweet the links and add the post in hope of getting retweets. With facebook you want to add the posts and get likes for the same. With Google+ and PinInterest you would like to add images so that you are able to pin them and get backlinks.

Even though you can do it for yourself, but if you really want to ramp up the things you can obtain gigs from Fiverr.com. It simply means that your links are tweeted to 20 to 50 powerful accounts that originate from all over the world.

Slick Social Toolbar- Slick Social Toolbar button enables your visitor to quickly tweet, like and plus to your site. Think like this they are the person who is vetting for your site as useful and informative. And what does Google need informative and quality content.
 It can also be done in a same way as stated earlier through Fiverr.com.

Pin Interest- Pin Interest is one of the rapidly growing sites on the internet. Hence, we can’t ignore it. All you need to do is to add compelling content with interesting picture and once you have published the same, now its right time to pin it. If the content is good enough there is a chance of getting repins. 

Adding Links to Document Sharing Sites- the document sharing sites like Scribd.com can help you to get significant increase in your rankings.

Adding Links to Video Sites like You Tube, Metacafe, Dailymotion and Vimeo help you to attain visibility.


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