Windows 8 gets TouchPal keyboard -- A Gesture Based Typing App

Gesture based typing is brought by Android. At least that's the first word that comes to our minds when someone says Gesture based typing. Android has some decent gesture based typing apps which include Swype, TouchPal and now the default keyboard in Android 4.2.

Touchpal is not linked to Android, that's why it can expand. On this direction, TouchPal has recently released an app for another platform — Windows 8. Touchpal App for Windows App is available for free and brings features including the ability to switch back and forth between swiping and typing.

Other important feature which is missing in the default keyboard is the ability to split the keyboard in two.

Check out the video below to see how it works:

What is Gesture Based Typing:

Gesture base typing, which came after the advent of Touch displays, allows you to just touch the first letter in the word and then without lifting your finger you just swipe through the remaining letters. For instance if you want to type Apple then you put your finger on A and then without lifting your finger go to p, then l and then e, all in one swiping motion.

Gesture based typing actually makes typing much easier on a Touch device (you will have hard time typing the usual way on even Apple's iPad). That apart, there are less spelling mistakes. TouchPal often claims to save about 60 percent of keystrokes.

Availability: Can download TouchPal for Windows 8 directly from the TouchPal website. The keyboard is not yet available from the Windows Store. --------

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