Teens finding Twitter better than Facebook: New Survey

A new survey conduced in September last year over mobile and Land line phones in USA reveals Teens finding Twitter better than Facebook; and are migrating to Twitter. The margin of error for the full sample is plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

Below are the key findings of the Survey:

1) Teens migrating to Twitter: Finding Facebook a place with too much drama, adults and parents; teens are migrating to Twitter. That apart, the sharing of too much inane details like what one had in dinner last night; is disliked by teens. Twitter, Instagram (which Facebook acquired last year) and Tumblr are benefiting from this migration. As these services are seen by teens as having  fewer adults, fewer parents and just simply less complexity, informs Amanda Lenhart of the Pew Research Center, one of the study's authors.

94 percent of teens who are social media users have a profile on Facebook. This has not changed from the last year. Twenty-six percent of teen social media users were on Twitter. That's more than double the figure in 2011 of 12 percent.

2) Teens sharing more personal information about themselves: Teens are sharing more personal information now compared to 2006. But the awareness about privacy and how to protect their online reputations has increased.

More than 90 percent of teen social media users said they have posted a picture of themselves — up from 79 percent in 2006, the poll said. Seven in ten disclose the city or town where they live, up from about 60 percent over the same time period. And 20 percent disclose their cell phone number — up sharply from a mere two percent in 2006.

3) Teens are comfortable with presence on a range of Social media platforms: A section of Teens is migrating from Facebook to Twitter; but they are not deleting their Facebook accounts. The migration is simply in terms of time spent. They still have their Facebook profiles, but they spend less time on them and move to places like Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. The key is the time spent. For instance many teens are checking their Facebook account daily but aren't using it as regularly as in the past.

4) Teens on Twitter are not paying much attention to Privacy Tools: More than 60 percent of the teens with Twitter accounts said their tweets were public, meaning anyone on Twitter can see them and respond to them. Only one in every 4 teens has his/her tweets private. A 12 percent of teens on Twitter said they did not know whether their tweets were public or private.

5) Teens are safeguarding their Online Reputation better than Ever: The poll reveals that teens are taking affirmative steps to protect their reputations and mask information they don't want others to see. For example, nearly 60 percent of teen social media users said they have deleted or edited something that they had published. Just over half the teens have deleted comments from others on their profile or account.
The researchers surveyed 802 parents and their 802 teens. The poll was conducted between July 26 and September 30, 2012, on landline and cell phones.

Some thoughts: Most of the findings of the survey seem to be reflecting the real picture. Facebook of late has started mimicking the real world, where you have your friends, parents, uncles aunts, cousins, teachers ...that's everyone who matters to you. That is why Facebook is evolving into a a place where people craving for support and admiration are supporting each other. much like one common admiration group. That apart, Facebook is not a platform to speak things from behind the veil of anonymity. That's why teens, who are more willing to take rude behavior online, are finding the platform a place with too much drama. Twitter is contrast allows a teen to bash any thing and confront anyone.

Another reason for the survey outcome can be the kind of device, migrating teens are using for their Facebook and Twitter interactions. If Teens are using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr on mobile phones; then the simplicity of layout of the mobile sites could also be fueling the migration.

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