Twitter's acquisition again in news | Google or SalesForce

Twitter is being acquired. And according to this article, this time the news comes from trust-worthy source.

This time, amidst the various suitors is Salesforce,a cloud services provider for the enterprise. Google and Microsoft are also among the probable buyers list.

In an article, which I wrote last year, I elaborated as to why I think some big search Engine, aka Google will buy Twitter. But this time with SalesForce in the picture, one can assume it to be a very interested buyer as well.

While #tags synonymous with twitter, its real time search capabilities suit Google. The twitter, if seen from a very restricted perspective seems to be a good add on to Salesforce as well. But that way Twitter would have to be limited to a marketing tool for analytics gathering. And its current virtue of being a consumer driver (common Joe) driven platform will or eventually be shed down. A scenario which will negate salesforce's any chances of making money.

The final thing which will decide the acquisition, will of course be money. I don't think money will be factor, as Twitter will be not solicit much money, to the tune of LinkedIn's (Microsoft purchased LinkedIn for 26 Billion USD). I think Google will acquire it.


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