Trojan is another name for disguised threat !

Trojan is a type of malware (or virus), that appears or presents itself to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious (harmful) functions.

Just to give you an idea; you are surfing the net or working offline on your computer; all of a sudden a window appears from nowhere prompting you click on OK button; so that the speed of your PC gets increased manifolds. If you PC is not adequately secured, this activity can be a Trojan.

This is just an example; in majority of cases; Trojans now-a-days are not easily visible.

The modus operandi of a Trojan is to disguise itself as some application or an add-on which people usually trust. Like, for instance you use an application usually from a trusted source.

Somehow, because of some reason, you chose to install the same application from some other source, whose credentials are unknown. Now if the application at the said source is infected with some Trojan, then even if you see the name of the application, at all visible points; it may be that you’re actually seeing a Trojan disguised as the application you use.

Trojans disguise themselves in many ways.

It's not that all trojans are harmful, some are harmless too. But majority of them are harmful.

Some of the key harmful activities of Trojans are:

Damage to PC hard-disk data

Include the infected PC in a network, to send spams, or use the infected system as a resource for other activity; the idea is to use your system resources like hard-disks etc. and bandwidth

Shutting your computer randomly, or all of a sudden

Slowing down your PC.

and so on...the list is endless.

How to know, that the system is infected with a Trojan:

If you see, heightened activity, more than the normal, whenever you log in to some sites with your accounts.

If you see phases of prolonged processing followed by a relative peaceful phase. And the cycle repeats itself again and again.

If your system appears too slow, without any valid reason.

If your internet bandwidth shows signs of being eaten up at a rate more than normal. A friend of mine, once found that he is using 600 MBs of bandwidth a day. He suspected of a malware, formatted the primary drive, and things came back to normal again.

What to do in case of a Trojan infection:

Whatever, others suggest, once you suspect trojan like activity. Format the primary drive or the entire disk. This is the best option.

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