Some Numbers for the global recorded music industry

According to a Reuters news quoting a report by IFPI,the numbers for Global recorded music industry are:

Total size of global recorded music industry: _______________$18.5 billion or Rs. 74,000 crore

Trade value of global Legitimate digital music sales in 2008:____$3.7 billion or Rs 14,800 crore

This is 20% of the global recorded music industry.

In 2007, it was 15% of the global recorded music industry.

Growth in global legitimate digital music sales in last two years:
Decline:_______ 17%

But the above figures are still dwarf in comparison to the scale of illegal downloads:

Share of unpaid or illegal music download in total music download in 2008:___95%

This 95% in number terms is more than 40 billion or 4000 crore files.

Fall in the traditional revenues for the overall music market on account of piracy:

Revenues down in 2008:______________________7%

Revenues down in 2007:_______________________8%

Interesting Facts:

Rise in Single track downloads in 2008 globally: ___________________24%

No. of single tracks downloaded in 2008:__________________1.4 billion or 140 crore

Rise in digital albums downloads in 2008 globally: __________36%