Bing's performance on Average number of ads per keyword

By A Bisht

Average number of ads(first page ads)per keyword for Google, Yahoo and Bing (for US and international) for June 2009 are as following:

Google ______5.2
Yahoo_______ 4
Bing________ 3

Average number of ads per keyword for Google, Yahoo and Bing (for US and international) for a year ago, June 2008 are as following:

Google ______2.5

(Source: Adgooroo’s Search Engine Advertising Update – Q209)

Comparing the data for Jun 2008 and Jun 2009, during the past one year, while the average number of ads per keyword has increased for both Google and yahoo; it has decreased from 4.7 to 3 for Bing (formerly ‘Live Search’).

A reduction in the number of ads is a good thing, as it indicates an increase in the quality of ads. In simple, the smaller number of ads per keyword points that they have become more relevant.

Thus in the past one year, Microsoft’s efforts in making their search engine better is showing.


If we investigate further, and compare the three players in Q1 2009 and now, Bing (formerly, ‘Live Search’) seems to be surging ahead.

Average number of ads per keyword for Google, Yahoo and Bing (for US and international) March 2009 are as following:

Google ___________5.2

Comparing March 2009 and June 2009 positons of the three players; while Google and Yahoo showed the same number of ads; Bing is now showing lesser number of ads (a 23 percent less number of ads). --------