Wi-Fi lacking iPhone starts selling in China

By A Bisht

Wi –Fi free iPhone finally started selling in China from October 30 , 2009.

Zhi Xianzhong became the first person to get the iPhone from Apple partner China Unicom after waiting 7 hours and 40 minutes.

Two versions of iPhone will be sold by China Unicom, the country's second largest telecom operator after China Mobile, under three year deal with Apple, with prices ranging from:

4,999 yuan (about $732) for the 8GB 3G model


6,999 yuan (about $1,025) for the 32GB 3GS phone

(without contract).

It should be noted that cheaper, cracked, gray-market iPhone models are already available in the country.

Although the iPhones being sold right now are lacking Wi-fi capability(Reason: Government imposed restriction), reports say China Unicom hopes to offer Wi-Fi-enabled iPhones within a few months.

At present the device will be available in 285 cities.

------------------------In Chinese Below-----------------------------

Wi - Fi的不足iPhone在中国开始销售

Wi - Fi的免费iPhone终于开始在中国销售10月30日,2009。




6999元(约$ 1,025为部3G版手机的32GB)



虽然所售的iPhone手机现在缺少Wi - Fi功能,报导说,中国联通将能够提供的Wi - Fi功能的数个月内的iPhone。

目前,该设备将在285个城市。 --------

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