Three new features added to Blogger

Some of us have already noted by now, and some are still unaware of the features Blogger has added to the popular blogging platform. Before continuing, as the features, may currently be available for users of Blogger in Draft users; those who are still using Blogger, should first make a move to Blogger in Draft. Here is how one can move to Blogger in Draft.

Without wasting much time, here are the three features recently been added to Blogger:

1) Template Designer: Log in to your Blogger in Draft dashboard, and look for Design link under the blog name, click on the link, reach the Page elements tab in the Edit layout page and click on the Template designer link. Template designer allows you to change the entire look of your blog. It provides a user with a list of new design features: Template, Background, Layout and advanced. One can choose the template of his/her liking from the listed templates and then use other utilities to improve the look.

2) Blogger Stats: Blogger has successfully integrated with Google Analytics (a tool that helps bloggers to view their website/blog statistics. Blogger in Draft users can now see stats, including the real-time traffic data for your blog, right from the comfort of your Blogger dashboard.

3) New sharing buttons : Blogger has introduced new sharing buttons, which show after every blog post. This is good as, when someone among your readers, clicks on a button under any particular post; the url meant to be shared automatically takes the url and title of the said post. The buttons currently available are: email, Blogger, Google Buzz, Twitter, and Facebook. Google has recently entered into url shortening business, hence the urls formed for sharing are automatically shortened using Google’s url shortening service-- (something good for the blog in long run)

You can turn on the new sharing buttons by visiting the Design > Page Elements > then editing the Blog Posts widget (edit link) and enabling Show Share Buttons.

4) Zemanta Post Gadget: From the last one year, Zemanta has been providing a browser plugin service at Blogger that helps us easily add related content to your blog posts. Blogger has recently released a gadget version of the service that easily integrates directly in your post editor.

Here is how you can integrate Zymanta Post Gadget with your Blogger blog.

All the above three additions to Blogger are good, as they raise even a new blogger to the league of the Pros. --------

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