You can be everything God wants you to be: Book Review

"You can be everything God wants you to be"


"You can be everything You want yourself to be"

Which of the two statements above appear more true to you?

Don’t haste, take your time to contemplate on the two assertions.

I’m telling you to take time, as to most of us the second statement “You can be everything You want yourself to be” will appear to be making more sense. Actually more than the contemplation, it’s the stage of life one is in, that will decide which among the two one picks.

But If I say, “You can be everything God wants you to be” in no way lessens your belief in you; and the statement is in tandem with the second statement, then things really become interesting.

The book ‘You can be everything God wants you to be’ does just that. It shows how the two statements are the one and the same; only that the book just not informs this, as I’m doing right now, it also gives good and sometimes great arguments to bring home the point.

Although the book uses Jesus, whenever it refers to God; the book is not preaching Christian beliefs or is not having Christian outlook on life; it’s preaching something universal: Who we are and what is the key to happy, successful and prosperous life. Just replace Jesus (if you’re a non-follower) with your god and you’ll wonder how universal the book is.

I highly recommend this book. But the caution from my side is: Re-read it even hundred times unless you master the lessons in action. The book is small, and easy to read, so reading even thousand times will not be a problem.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” --------

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