Google Tops the List Of In Demand Employers Among College Students

Google ’s value may have hit bottom for those who have decamped to search Giant’s current rival Facebook; with the social networking giant having over 12 percent of its current staff comprised of former Googlers(many being the top talents of their former employer); but if students from world’s top 50 universities are to be asked then Google is their first choice to start their careers with.

According to a recent data from Aftercollege, (a site that helps connect students with the companies they want to work with after college),

among students who want to be matched up with certain companies, Google still tops the list of requests for employer connections, especially among engineering majors at the top 50 schools.

In the dataset, generated by Aftercollege, asking the aspirants to name the company of their preference to work at, to which Aftercollege can go out on their behalf and pursue opportunities from those companies; there was a wide gap between the requests for Google and that for Facebook.

In the general dataset Google topped as the favorite Job destination while Facebook came at 7th.

But this gap got eve more wider when data for the students who majored in engineering was collated, in that data it was found that while 57 requested for Google only 22 requested for Facebook.

As a result in for this group, Google tough retained its top spot, Facebook slipped to the number 12 slot.
AfterCollege notes that the gap between the two increases, when the data is sorted by student requests through top engineering programs like Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, Georgia Tech, Michigan, etc.

What inference can be taken?

The data points nothing about why some top people are leaving Google for Facebook. It also doesn’t point to why Google raised the salaries of its employees across board by 10%. That is a different thing, contrary to what some want us to believe. They worked for Google and then they chose to move on to Facebook, for different reasons.

The data points to what people who are just about to embark on their careers have perception about Google and Facebook. And this is just perception.

Notably, those who have done majors in engineering are thinking more like people who are still with Google after 15 years of service or in their 40s and 50s. --------

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