A new iPhone App with a misleading name ‘PatriotApp’ attempts to gain from the patriotic zeal of common American.
No the app doesn’t provide useful functions like a pocket constitution or quotes from American forefathers. But on contrary, this app allows users to report any ‘suspicious’ behavior directly to the top government agencies like FBI, EPA, GAO, CDC etc.
What can be reported:
National Security, Suspicious activities, Crime
Government Waste
Environmental Crime or possible violations
White collar crime
Workplace harassment, discrimination, or other violations
Public Health concerns
Thus the app aims to turn smartphone users into a gigantic snitch network. Snitch in a sense; that what useful will people report to top agencies, if thousands or people are made informers. It’s equally probable that it becomes another network of people who will reporting information of little value.
So after installing the Patriot App, ‘If you see something suspicious anywhere, everywhere, anytime” just use the app; and in case “you say something (suspecious)” some other Patriotapp user will report that.
Making an average citizens into a network of spies feeding information back to the federal government. Don’t use the app if you are not common.
iPhone patriot informer network launched
iPhone patriot informer network launched
Anil Singh
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Apple iPhone
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