Facebook helps a 23 year old find her Real Parents

If destiny paves the course of our lives, then this story, no matter how much it resembles a movie script; surely amplifies the power of destiny --when the destiny chose the most popular place on web, the Facebook, as its medium.

Carlina White, now 23, was always suspicious about her roots. She always suspected that the woman she calls her mom, is not her real mom.

Call it her inner unsettledness or destiny, Carla had developed a habit of trawling the internet for stories of missing children. And one day she finally tracked down her birth parents, Joy White and Carl Tyson.

Carla found that a woman has narrated her story on Facebook, where she kidnapped a baby 23 years ago. The kidnapper was no other but the one Carla calls her mom, Ann Pettway.

Ann Pettway had snatched Carlina White as a 19-day-old from a New York hospital. She renamed Carla as Nejdra Nance and raised her as her own in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Pettway went on the run when the story broke and gave herself up after her Facebook confession.

Reunited with her biological parents, Carla is on cloud number nine now. Carlina’s dad Carl said: yesterday: “When our baby was first taken that was a big part of my heart that was just ripped out.”

DNA tests proved she is the daughter they had long given up as dead. --------

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