AOL App Promotion creates a New Niche that already exists!

Attention pulling phrases in Ads, Look at-least once videos, innovative or suggesting such a use of a device/product/service which people don’t like to talk in public (that in itself is Finding an Entirely New Niche); are an evergreen ingredients to a successful promotional campaign. Can be used alone, but work best when used together.

So kudos to AOL on its new campaign for its forthcoming Editions app; as it has used all the above mentioned ingredients.

A catchy slogan, with one low-key YouTube video, and suggesting a use which, though people are practicing with paper newspaper and books; don’t talk in public (as if revealed, no will either lend or borrow the person’s readables) it has managed to make for a successful promotion campaign.

Elaborating AOL’s Feat:

The video below, explains everything, said above:

Although, Flipboard is what epitomizes a tablet app; still AOL has cleverly created a new Niche for itself: The People who like to read while they are in bathrooms.

And this niche is very real and existing.

AIS media, recently surveyed Facebook readers to find that nearly one-third (27 percent) of respondents reported that they read Facebook while in the bathroom.

AIS Media’s survey also found that Facebook usage on mobile devices in the bathroom was higher among women with 54.4%; compared to only 45.6% of male respondents. Usage in the bathroom was greatest among the 30-49 age category.

*** As marketers, we know that Digital media is, if nothing else, being addicted to analytics, statistics and surveys to see how, when, where and who is eyeballing the content. And putting one’s energy beneath those eyeballs is every marketer’s objective. Good thing is AOL gave us a perfect case study, to look at and analyze.

About AOL Editions App:

The app will deliver news customized to a reader’s tastes – a genre perhaps best typified now by Flipboard. AOL‘s Editions, based on its video teaser, uses icons that represent these interests – sports, fashion, business news – which the user then arranges in the order he or she prefers. News from these categories, sourced from various sources, is then displayed in a magazine-like format. --------

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